The ASFG has 14 members. Find Your Feet is currently the Coordinator. See below for more information.
ActionAid is a partnership between people in rich and poor countries, dedicated to ending poverty and injustice.
Agriculture for Impact are seeking increased and improved European government support for agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa.
CABI improves people’s lives by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.
Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.
Concern Universal is an international development organisation tackling poverty from the grassroots.
Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian NGO dedicated to the elimination of extreme poverty.
The Fairtrade Foundation is a product certification scheme that promotes better prices, decent working conditions,and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries.
FARM-Africa is tackling rural poverty in eastern Africa by sharing its skills, knowledge and tools with families so they can make their land more productive through the development of agriculture that is climate resilient.
Find Your Feet is a UK-based international development charity which supports rural communities in South Asia and Southern Africa to build a future free from poverty.
GardenAfrica enables people to support themselves, to grow diverse foods, conserve essential species, manage resources sustainably and equitably, and generate plant-based livelihoods.
Practical Action works together with some of the world’s poorest women, men and children, helping to alleviate poverty through the innovative use of technology.
Self Help Africa is an international development charity which supports rural communities in grow more food and earn more from their farm produce.
Send a Cow helps African farmers grow enough food to feed their families, sell their produce and develop small businesses that last.
TREE AID understands the importance of trees to people living in poverty, and believes that tackling poverty and environmental protection are inseparable.